Singer and composer Palash Muchhal recently took to social media to share a rare selfie that has added fuel to earlier rumors about his relationship with Indian cricketer Smriti Mandhana. In the photo, taken inside a car, Smriti is seen seated in the passenger seat, smiling warmly while holding Palash’s hand and leaning on his shoulder. Adding a romantic touch to the post, Palash included the song Hona Tha Pyar.

Speculations about the duo’s relationship have been circulating for a while, fueled by their occasional social media interactions. However, this particular image has captured the attention of fans and sparked fresh discussions about their bond. While neither Palash nor Smriti has confirmed their relationship publicly, their chemistry in the photo has been hard to miss.

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Interestingly, last year, the pair became more active on social media, sharing glimpses of their moments together. Notably, they even celebrated their fifth anniversary, according to posts shared around the same time. This fueled further speculation about a long-standing connection between the two, despite their reluctance to address the rumors directly.

Smriti, a star in Indian cricket, and Palash, known for his soulful music, come from vastly different fields, yet their rumored relationship has intrigued fans across both domains. The recent selfie has only added to the curiosity, with many hoping for an official confirmation from the pair.

For now, fans can only speculate about their bond as the two continue to keep their relationship status private, leaving everyone guessing about the story behind their posts.