India’s popular rapper Raftaar’s ex-wife Komal Vohra took wedding vows for the second time with Tushar Bhatnagar. The interior designer got married to a lawyer, and their wedding was an intimate affair. Komal, who is the sister of TV actors Karan Vohra and Kunal Vohra, shared photos with her brothers today, highlighting her true bond with her siblings. On the other hand, Karan penned an emotional note on Komal’s wedding video.
Last night, Komal shared a bunch of photos with her brother Karan and Kunal. These photos include a glimpse of her mehendi, marriage, and a casual photo. Throughout these pictures, we can spot the adorable bond of brothers and sisters. Sharing these photos, she wrote, “This is Us.”
Komal Vohra got married to Tushar Bhatnagar in December 2024. Sharing a cute video from the wedding, Karan expressed his emotions. He wrote, “Beautiful, Emotional, Touched, Blessed, Nofilter, Heartfelt, Love. While watching this video for the first time all these words were floating around in my head. @lilacweddings you guys captured every moment beautifully. Great job. @iam.tushar.bhatnagar & @itskomalvohra (with a red heart).”
Komal Vohra married Raftaar in 2016, when the rapper was not famous. But things changed after marriage, and they soon parted ways. They filed for divorce in 2020, but later, in 2022, the couple was officially divorced after six years of marriage.