In a recent episode of Zee Bangla’s reality show Saregamapa, singer Raghab Chatterjee shared a unique and heartwarming memory from his youth. This memory, which involved his stay in a boys’ hostel and singing songs on his guitar, also featured Kaushiki Chakraborty, who lived in the house below. The bond they shared, with Kaushiki responding by singing along, was a beautiful testament to their friendship. It was Kaushiki Chakraborty’s father, Pandit Ajay Chakraborty’s house.

Raghab’s reminiscence left the audience and the judges in stitches, with Shantanu Maitra asking for clarification on the story. Kaushiki initially seemed taken aback by the revelation but later laughed it off, saying, “Raghab da is telling stories, and I’m in danger!” The show’s anchor, Abir Chatterjee, was so impressed with the anecdote that he announced plans to recreate the moment in this year’s Saregamapa, with Raghab singing from above and Kaushiki responding from below.

This season of Saregamapa, with its eight judges and no mentors, has taken a unique approach. Raghab’s story, with its personal and entertaining tone, has significantly influenced the show’s format, fostering more interaction and banter between the judges and contestants. This alteration has left the audience intrigued and eager for more, as they anticipate what other surprises the show might have in store.

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Raghab’s revelation has not just altered the dynamics of the show, but also transformed it into a more personal journey. The audience now gets a rare and intimate glimpse into the lives of the judges beyond their singing careers. This shift has made the show more engaging and unpredictable, as the audience feels more connected to the judges on a personal level.