Renowned artist Silajit Majumder has addressed the ongoing RG scandal and its impact on the entertainment industry. In a poignant video posted on his Facebook page, Silajit shared his concerns and clarified the artists’ perspective.

With the Puja festivities approaching, Kolkata streets are filled with protesters instead of shoppers. The entertainment industry has also felt the effects, with numerous postponed concerts and shows. Shilajit, however, has taken a different stance.

In his video message, Silajit emphasized that artists, like other professionals, have families to support and livelihoods to maintain. He questioned the notion that artists should sacrifice their work and well-being for the sake of protests.

“We are singers, actors, artists… We have professions like farmers, journalists, engineers, politicians, and auto drivers. We have a music store, a music shop, and an acting shop. We must run that shop to support our families,” Silajit explained.

Silajit acknowledged the importance of seeking justice but highlighted the need for artists to continue working. He thanked fans who understood their struggles and requested support during this challenging time.

“We want justice, but we also have to run our families. Do you think a poet is only a poet if they have TB or die from hunger?” Silajit asked rhetorically.

Silajit revealed that his upcoming concert, initially scheduled for the 2nd, was rescheduled to the 14th due to the unrest. Despite the uncertainty, he remains committed to performing.

“Most ticket holders are still coming to the 14th September concert, except for a handful of people. I’m looking forward to it, and I’ll be happy if you stand by me during this time,” Silajit concluded.

Silajit’s heartfelt message has sparked a conversation about the intersection of art, livelihood, and social responsibility.