Bollywood photographer Varinder Chawla recently opened up about how Diljit Dosanjh’s relationship with the paparazzi has evolved over the years. In a revealing interview with Faridoon Shahryar, Chawla shared his experiences of working with the actor-singer, from the early days of his career in Mumbai to his rise as an international star.
When Diljit first moved from Punjab to Mumbai, he embraced the paparazzi culture with enthusiasm. Chawla recalls that during those initial days, Diljit would often praise photographers for spotting him and taking his pictures. The rising star was active on social media, frequently sharing the photos and engaging with fans through messages. At the time, he seemed to enjoy the attention and the public recognition that came with it.
However, as Diljit’s career grew, so did his fame on the global stage. With international success, his attitude towards the paparazzi began to shift. Chawla revealed that the actor now maintains a more guarded approach to his public appearances. To protect his privacy, Diljit has reportedly hired two international security personnel who use bright lights to block photographers from capturing his image. This change in behavior is part of a wider trend among Bollywood stars who, as they become more internationally recognized, often take steps to control their public image and limit media exposure.
Chawla also discussed how the paparazzi culture in Bollywood has evolved alongside the rise of social media. The demand for celebrity content has skyrocketed, with platforms like Instagram amplifying the reach of paparazzi photos. While some stars continue to interact openly with the media, others are more selective about their engagements, using public relations strategies to manage their image. The photographer pointed out that many celebrities now play “PR games,” often creating a carefully curated public persona that may differ from their private lives.
Despite these complexities, Chawla took a moment to highlight one Bollywood star who has consistently stood out for his genuine support: Ranveer Singh. Chawla shared how the actor helped him during a personal crisis, underscoring the difference between stars who care about the people around them and those who rely more heavily on their carefully managed public images.
Chawla’s reflections provide a rare glimpse into the world of Bollywood paparazzi and the changing dynamics between celebrities and the media. As the entertainment industry continues to evolve, the balance between fame, privacy, and media exposure remains a delicate one for stars like Diljit Dosanjh.