Veteran singer Vani Jayaram, who captured the souls of the listeners with her sweet and captivating voice, was found dead at her Haddows Road apartment in Chennai, as per reports in Times Of India. The singer’s maid turned up for work today, however, she did not get any response despite repeated calls. She alerted her relatives who then informed the police. The cops broke open the door and found her dead in the apartment. Vani Jairam’s husband died a few years ago and she used to live alone in her apartment in Chennai.
Reports from people close to her suggest she might have slipped and suffered a fall. She was a part of the film industry for five decades, and received the National Best Playback Singer award thrice, besides state awards in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Odisha. She has sung over 10,000 songs in 19 languages including the very popular Hindi number ‘Bole re Papihara’ She was recently awarded the Padma Bhushan, India’s third-highest civilian award.
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