South Korean sensation Baekhyun is one of the most popular artists in the world. Baekhyun and his EXO group command a great deal of fan following all around the world and the record numbers in views whenever they drop a video on YouTube is the biggest example of that.
Baekhyun can go make any girl go weak on their knees. With his height, smile and chiselled features, he is one of the distinct looking hunks. We can see some of his exceptional looks wherein he burns the oomph quotient with their swag.
As per reports in media, Baekhyun has changed his hair color a lot of times in a short period, and netizens have finally discovered why. When the singer attempted to bleach his hair, things went so badly that he decided to just try out every color that he wanted to before going back to black. Today we bring you Baekhyun’s hair evolution over the years.