Times like this where we dread the experience and are tired of staying in home isolation. We all dream of going on a road expedition when all this pandemic is over.

We all love the city life, but sometimes we all wish to get away from this chaos and go to the countryside day tripping. A place to escape reality and have some glee time. When it is time to hit the highway, there has to be a road trip playlist ready. Or how are you going to have fun sitting in all silence?

You cannot have complete drive-in silence. Whether going on a weekend or outdoor adventures, here are some best Dhvani Bhanushali’s tracks to keep your engine purring, and all of you have a great time of your life. So it’s to call some of your travel buddies, roll the window down and crank the volume up. Because it’s road trip time!

Best Dhvani Bhanushali’s tracks to keep you company and have some fun.

Jeetenge Hum


Psycho Saiyaan


Kinna Sona

Nachi Nachi