Lata Mangeshkar is the one who had the whole of the Bollywood music industry under her grasps. Once rejected she became the monopolizer of the industry. She will always be the undisputed queen and there is no match for her voice.
Lata Mangeshkar could sing tracks from romantic to heartbreak. A voice that is flawless and will always be special because she always sang her songs with so many emotions that it could get anyone to cry. Every Lata Mangeshkar song has a unique and special style to it which is being perfectly delivered and we can’t help but feel the awe.
And so here are the best romantic songs that were sung by Lata Mangeshkar that would leave you smiling like a goofball.
- Diwani Diwani
- Koi Ladki Hai
- Pyar Mein Kabhi Kabhi
- Humko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai Pyar
- Tere Liye
Well, let us know what you think about Lata Mangeshkar. Isn’t she the only amazing lady?