Indian cricketer Rinku Singh made headlines this evening with his personal life news. As per the early reports from News 24, the cricketer is all set to marry soon with Samajwadi Party MP Priya Saroj. The duo recently got engaged, but the engagement date hasn’t been revealed yet. However, a couple of hours later, MP Priya Saroj’s father denied these reports.
As per the reports from ABP Live, Samajwadi Party’s Lok Sabha MP Priya Saroj’s father, Tifanu Saroj, revealed that cricketer Rinku Singh’s family had a word with his elder son-in-law about the marriage proposal. Talking about Rinku and Priya, both haven’t reacted on this matter. We will share further details as soon as we get an update.
Rinku Singh was part of India’s T20I setup under Captain Rohit Sharma, and the team won the World Cup last year. The cricketer is also all set to make his comeback with the upcoming five-match T20I series against England. He made his International debut in August 2023. He is also part of the IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders.
On the other hand, Priya Saroj is a first-time MP from the Samajwadi Party. She won the place by defeating BJP’s BP Saroj with 35000 votes in 2024. She belongs to a political party, and her father, Tufani Saroj, is a politician who has won an MP seat thrice. Currently, he is the MLA from Kerakat in Uttar Pradesh.