Jasprit Bumrah has walked off from the Indian side after the third Test against England because of some unspecified personal reasons, however, rumors started to spread and it went to the information that the bowler requested a few days off as he is getting hitched. Addressing ANI, sources in the BCCI up to date of improvements have affirmed that Bumrah is set to get engaged and married soon and has withdrawn to plan for the equivalent. Bumrah was likewise not picked for the five-match T20I arrangement, beginning March 12. “He also told the BCCI that he is getting married and has taken off to help in arrangements for the huge day,” the source said.
Not long ago, there were some speculations made concerning Bumrah’s relationship rumors. Numerous reports proposed that the bowler was allegedly getting hitched to South Indian entertainer Anupama Parameswaran. In any case, each one of those tales was settled by Anupama’s mom as she has denied each one of the discussions.
After this news passed on, information on the Indian quick bowler was to get married to Sanjana Ganesan on March 14-15 in Goa began doing the rounds. As informed by the news office IANS, the star pacer is in fact set to get married to Sanjana. The event is going to be worth remembering as the bowler is getting married, however, the location is not yet confirmed.
Indian fans can wait no longer for both of them to get married!!