Two-time Olympic medallist Neeraj Chopra tied the knot with Himani on Sunday, January 19. Announcing the news on Instagram, Chopra shared a wedding photo with the caption, “Started a new chapter of my life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Neeraj Himani.”

For the uninitiated, Himani, 25, is a tennis player from Sonipat, Haryana. She completed her schooling at Little Angels School in Sonipat and pursued a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Physical Education from Miranda House, Delhi University. Currently, she is pursuing a Master’s in Sports Management at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire. Himani comes from a sports-oriented family, with her brother Himanshu also playing tennis.

Olympic medalist Neeraj Chopra gets married; who is Himani? 933330

Following the wedding, Chopra is set to resume his athletic preparations. He will travel to Potchefstroom, South Africa, later this month for an off-season training camp. The stint is aimed at building a strong foundation for upcoming competitions in 2025.

The 26-year-old javelin thrower, who last competed in the Diamond League Final in Brussels in September, will spend 31 days in Potchefstroom. This training camp, funded by the Sports Ministry, is part of his strategic plan to maintain top performance levels.

Chopra’s marriage marks a personal milestone in an otherwise eventful career. The athlete’s immediate focus, however, remains on his preparation for the year ahead, balancing his personal and professional commitments as he gears up for another season of high-level competition.

We wish the couple loads of congratulations.