basa fish
Lifestyle | Food
Enjoy The Delicious Restaurant Style Basa Fish Fry With This Simple Recipe
Basa is a white Southeast Asian fish that is high in top-notch protein and omega-3 unsaturated fats. Basa can extend to be genuinely gigantic, arriving at the most extreme tallness of 120 cm now and again. You'll need to propose to numerous people to share. Ingredients: 1. 350 g filet of basa fish 2. 2 tbsp lemon juice 5 tbsp parsley, generally hacked 3. 1.5 tablespoons additional virgin olive oil 4. Red stew drops 5. 6-7 garlic cloves 6. Salt and pepper to taste 7. 4 tablespoons white oil Recipe: 1. The filet ought to be | Click Here...