Pran Kishore
Television | TV Editorial
Munir Lone, Head of Operations, Cinevista Writes: TV has evolved, but there is no sincerity left
There is a saying, ‘First impression is the last impression’!! For me, my ‘first job’ will be my ‘last job’... And this is the kind of association I have had for nearly 28 years with Cinevista Limited (previously called Cinevistaas). My journey with Cinevista started when I was a 20 years old young lad. And today, I am 49 years old and I am as passionate in work as I was on my day one. Cinevista is like family to me. I treat my bosses as my elder brothers and they treat me as their son. It all started in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir my home town in the year 1989. I | Click Here...