Sabarna Roy
7 Critically-Acclaimed Books By Indian Authors
Every author dream to be a bestseller and we all are aware that very few achieve this recognition of being a bestseller. But that doesn’t never mean, the other author has not written a good book or he can’t be a bestseller. Indeed! Getting high on the Bestselling Charts is a happy-go-feeling but every author would agree that getting the love and affection of your dear readers is more soothing for our soul. Here, today we had compiled such 7 masterpieces that might not reflect in your popular bestselling charts but are widely loved by the readers and are critically-acclaimed. 1. | Click Here...
Sabarna Roy’s Book “Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020” Launched
Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020, a book written by Mr Sabarna Roy, author of six critically acclaimed bestselling books, was launched by Ms Swastika Mukherjee, eminent and popular Actor. The book comprises a novella and a poem cycle. The novella, in the background is an evolving dialogue between a step-father and a step-daughter, and in the foreground it is a dissection of ideas pivoted around dualism of human life by discussing literary characters like, Lolita, Humbert Humbert, Anna Karenina, and Nikhilesh; thought-leaders like Hegel, Marx, and Heisenberg; political phenomena | Click Here...
Sabarna Roy’s Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020 Proves “fundamental to everything lies in recognition of duality”
It is rare that you find oceanic depths in the works of post-modern writers in English. It is here where the success of Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020 lies. Penned by Sabarna Roy, a technocrat turned teller of stories, this latest work makes an honest attempt to fathom human mind and its wayward journeys, at times. Why so? Is it genetic disorder, gene-related abnormalities or succumbing to uncontrollable infatuation to the opposite sex? Over decades, many authors have tried to explain this in their own way using various parameters of societal conditioning and rippling w | Click Here...