World radio day
Radio has always been a source of joy and curiosity to me: Bhagya Lakshmi actress Aishwarya Khare on World Radio Day
World Radio Day is a celebration that honours the powerful and lasting influence of radio in influencing and shaping societies around the globe. This cherished medium plays a crucial role in disseminating vital information, fostering cultural diversity, and enhancing connections among people. It serves as an indispensable tool for education and entertainment, reaching audiences across various demographics and geographies. The theme for World Radio Day in 2025 is Radio and Climate Change, focusing on the pressing and urgent global issue of climate change. Aishwarya Khare the lead of Zee TV's | Click Here...
Radio City’s RJ Palak on World Radio Day and changing times
This year marks the 10th anniversary of world radio day and celebrates 110 years of radio worldwide. Over the course of the century, the most iconic moments of history have been delivered through the mighty radio, be it a declaration of independence or war. The theme for this World Radio Day as per UNESCO is ‘New world, New Radio. The world around us is changing, on one hand Elon Musk is taking us to new planets and on the other hand we on earth have a new family member our "phone". The number of videos uploaded every second will soon compete with the number of stars in the | Click Here...