Things To Avoid And Do For Prolonged Battery Life Of Phone

Here are a few tips to avoid and do to keep the battery life of your phone last long

In today’s busy schedule and booming Technology, mobile has become one essential gadget for every human being. It is a must for everyone. And so do we try to keep it as safe as possible. To ensure its safety, we put it into a mobile cover case. But we forget to maintain the cell’s internal battery life, which is one important thing. So today we share things you shouldn’t do or do to prolong your phone’s battery life.

1)Avoid Your Battery Going To 0% or 100%: This is because it reduces the lifespan of your battery, as when you discharge or fully charge your phone, it hampers the lithium-ion battery.

2)Don’t Charge It More Than 100%: This degrades your battery’s well-being after required energy phones get heated if you overcharge.

3) Charging Your Phone Slowly: Everyone wants to charge their phone as quickly as possible. However, it damages the well-being of cells. So it is better if you opt for slowly charging ways.

4)Turn Off WiFi and Bluetooth When Not In Use: Don’t keep the WiFi or Bluetooth tab on unnecessarily, as this takes up the battery charge.

5) Location Manage: Don’t unnecessarily activate location as this takes up the battery charge. And it requires nothing to do with any function of the phone.

6)Dark Modes: Darker modes use less battery charge than light modes.

7)Keep Brightness Minimum: Try to manage the brightness as more brightness uses more energy from the battery.

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About The Author
Aarti Tiwari: Aarti Jaikar Tiwari is a passionate writer. She is quite fond of writing and exploring new depth with the strength of tip of her pen. A lover of masala entertainment content and talent brought her in this field.