Actress Ashita Dhawan who is currently seen in 4 Lions Films’ Prem Leela on Dangal, says that the year 2024 has been very productive for her. She adds that the year came with a lot of surprises.
“The year 2024 has been both highly productive and full of surprises for me. It began with Krishna Mohini, a concept I found truly unique and unexplored. It was bold, progressive, and very much a story of today. However, it was not accepted by the audience, and unfortunately, the show didn’t last,” she says.
She adds, “Despite that, I had an incredible time. I made amazing friends, met some creative and talented people, and even went on outdoor shoots with them. Though the journey only lasted three and a half months, it was a fabulous experience. Naturally, I felt sad when the show ended, but in our industry, the work moves on.”
Talking about what happened next, she says, “After that, I got an opportunity to work on Pocket FM’s radio stories, which was another interesting and enjoyable experience where I worked with Sanaya Irani and Tanuj Virwani. Then, I did a cameo in Mera Balam Thanedaar for Colors again, where I played the role of a woman who is a pimp, trying to earn a living. This was a challenging character to portray. It turned out well, and I was thrilled when the hero of the show, Shagun Pandey, told me that my presence brought good luck as the TRP jumped from i.4 to 1.7. That made me very happy. Soon after, I got another opportunity with Prem Leela which airs on Dangal. This year has truly been progressive and productive for me. One important lesson I’ve learned is that patience is the key. You have to stay positive, trust the Universe, and keep moving forward. If I had stayed stuck in the disappointment of Krishna Mohini ending, I wouldn’t have been able to embrace the new opportunities that came my way.”
She says that staying positive and having faith always works. “I believe it’s your positive attitude that sustains your journey in the industry. My biggest takeaway from this year is to stay positive, have faith in the Universe, and give your work your all. There’s no looking back—only moving forward,” she says.