Actor Achal Tankwal who was recently made his Bollywood debut with the film Pyar Ke Do Naam, has bagged a significant role in the upcoming Star Plus show Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha. The show produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures, will have Fahmaan Khan and Sonakshi Batra playing the leads.

We At were the first to notify our readers about this show roping in Fahmaan Khan as the lead. We also wrote about him donning a Sardar look in the show. The promo of Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha is now out, and it looks engaging with a cultural clash between the Punjabi Bajwa family and the Bengali Sen family.

Achal who appears in the promo, is the only male member from the Bajwa family who does not sport the turban look.

Says Achal, “I play the role of Param the younger brother of the male lead. I am the only one in the family without a turban. There is, of course, a back story for the character which will be revealed. Param is a passionate Sufi poet.”

“As the show progresses, the backstory of my character unfolds gradually, offering more clarity with each episode. My character is quite neutral, serving as a unifying force, trying to hold everyone together. Param is not deeply involved in politics but is driven more by emotions. There are many layers to this character, making them complex and intriguing, as they navigate relationships and situations with subtlety and depth,” he adds.

The show launches on 16 September and will air at 7.20 PM.