Ankit Arora is a well-known actor in the Indian television world. Currently, he appears in the Star Plus TV show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin as the antagonist, portraying the role of Arsh Gujral, with Bhavika Sharma and Hitesh Bharadwaj as the lead. After the lead star, Ankit also confirmed his exit from the show. In addition to that, he has been offered several projects, and it seems he is all set to make a comeback with something new.

Taking to his Instagram handle, Ankita shared a black-and-white photo of himself showcasing his glimpse as an Arsh Gujral. In the post, he revealed that he has prepared for her new journey now, with the caption, “Time to go and get ready for the new journey!”

The actor didn’t reveal anything about his project, but in a chat with MNS, he revealed that he had been offered a film and said, “Yes, after the news of the leap, I have been approached for a film, but I am yet to go for the meeting to discuss the details. Let’s see; something good will come soon.”

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It seems this will be something new and bigger for the actor, and his fans can’t wait enough. Users loved the actor’s update and extended their good wishes to him in the comments.

A user wrote, “Ankit my best wishes always with you for you bright future.”

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The second said, “All The Best bhai what an amazing role you played so far in GHKKP.”

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