Ashi Singh was recently spotted along with her friends at a party. The actress could be seen in a stylish grey cheeky bodycon outfit, teamed with wavy tresses, left open. The diva decked it up with bold makeup. The actress was seen dancing with her friends all mad at a party, and the video goes viral on the internet.

Ashi Singh on the work front has debuted with the show Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai along with Randeep Raii. The actress later to that worked in the show Aladdin-Naam Toh Suna Hoga co-starring the very talented Siddharth Nigam. The actress is currently working on the show Meet. Given her honing acting skills, the actress has managed to earn her own separate fanbase.

View Instagram Post 1: Ashi Singh enjoys night party with girls gang, dance videos go viral

However, that’s not all, Ashi Singh has also a stunning fashion articulation to showcase. Given her amazing looks and features online, Singh has also managed to earn the ‘fashionista’ hat like her contemporaries. Needless to say, that every time she decks up the fashionista hat, she rocks!