Popular actress Rajashree Thakur who came to the limelight in the role of Saloni in Zee TV’s evergreen hit show Saat Phere – Saloni Ka Safar, is back on the channel after a long gap of more than 15 years. She plays the protagonist Avani Trivedi in Zee TV’s newly launched show Bas Itna Sa Khwaab, which depicts the life of a middle-class family who aspires to live a happy life. It is the journey of Avani who walks out of the house to earn for herself and to fulfil the dreams that her family has long pursued. The show throws light on women’s empowerment, wherein they need to get equal opportunities as men to earn and be independent.
Says Rajashree about her comeback to Zee TV, “I am happy to be back with Zee TV. Avani is a character who you will see in every house. It is an overwhelming feeling to play this character. As Rajashree, I resonate with Avani a lot. How a woman handles the balancing act of managing home and working outside with a smile on her face, is something inspiring. Avani’s journey will inspire many women.”
Talking about the need for women to be given the equal ground as men to work and have a career, Rajashree states, “A woman’s career is as equal as a man’s career. A working woman is present in every house these days. But it is not given that much importance. The responsibility of the house is not only on the woman but also on the man. Every mother should teach their kids to help equally in the house and do their bit to manage the home. This is how the new generation will realize the worth of both men and women handling the responsibilities of the house. There is no appreciation and acknowledgement for the work that a woman does at home. It is a thankless job. Think about appreciating her efforts at home, where you can make her happy.”
Rajashree is passionate towards her acting career. This is what has prompted her to come back even after becoming a mother. “Acting is a very demanding profession. It is very difficult when you cannot take a sick leave. In daily soaps, there is no chance of getting a leave. It is my passion to act and I have chosen it. So I have to accept all the flaws related to it while pursuing it. Every career woman has to accept it. To work is my choice, so I cannot crib, I ought to work towards making the needed adjustments to strike a balance.”
Rajashree who was loved as the ‘Best Bahu’ in the role of Saloni is proud of her achievements. “I am proud of myself. I am not from an acting background. In my family, acting was not something that was encouraged. So when I started acting, I was not encouraged. My parents were happy when they saw my first hoarding go up. I proved them all wrong and chose this path. Today, when I look back, it feels nice. I started as a news reader on All India Radio. I did varied jobs, I am a law graduate. Later, I realized that my true calling lay in acting. I find myself lucky as even after 17 years, I am remembered and loved as Saloni. Now, I want my well-wishers to shower the same amount of love for my new show.”
You can check the exclusive video here.
Courtesy: Sweta