Actor Puneet Panjwani has held his ground in the well-written role of Choton on Star Plus’ popular show Jhanak. Produced by Leena Gangopadhyay and Saibal Banerjee’s banner, Magic Moments Motion Pictures, Jhanak has evolved in its story and has given some exceptional characterizations. Puneet’s character Choton forms an integral part of the love story of Aniruddh and Jhanak.
Puneet is happy and satisfied with the kind of upward graph he has seen in his role of Choton. Looking forward to more in the new phase of the show, Puneet talks to about his character, show and much more.
Highlighting the growth of his character Choton in the story plot, Puneet explains, “The graph of Choton in Jhanak has grown with time. I am thankful to the producers and writers who have allowed me to play this type of character. TV is ruled mostly by women. And in this scenario, I am happy to have got this character. I am getting a good response for my character.
Choton has been an integral part of Aniruddh and Jhanak’s journey. Speaking about what he likes the most about Choton, Puneet avers, “Yes, Choton has been with Jhanak and Aniruddh all the time. I like Choton’s honesty a lot. In today’s time, it is very difficult to find a person like Choton.”
Calling it his best role to date, Puneet shares, “Choton has been the best role I have got till now in my career. I am thankful to Leena Ma’am and Choul Da. My takeaway from my character is to be simple and honest. Life will give you whatever you deserve.”
Ask him about the dip in ratings of Jhanak in recent weeks, and he says, “Ups and downs happen in shows. TRPs are not in our hands. We are doing our best as actors. I will not be able to talk much about ratings.”
On the drama to be expected in Jhanak’s new phase, Puneet quips, “If you are talking about the upcoming phase in Jhanak, there is a huge story to come. There is a lot to tell as new drama and new tracks with new characters will be seen.”
Puneet is paired with Deepali Pansare in the show. About Choton’s love life in Jhanak and the changes in his character, he says, “Yes, there has been a start to the love life of Choton. It will be explored more now. Choton is not a person to change easily. So not many changes will be seen in Choton’s personality. But yes, story-wise and track-wise, there will be changes for sure.
Elaborating on the overwhelming response he has got for his character, Puneet shares with us, ” When I signed the contract, I was told that Choton will be a positive character and will have a love track. But I had no big expectations from the character. But as the show grew and the story developed, my character developed well. Again, I am thankful to Magic Moments, Leena Di, and Sailbal Da, for the opportunity. I thank my fans who have loved me in this character. I have got an overwhelming response for my character. I am very happy with the way things have shaped up.
After Jhanak, Puneet will love to evolve and look for different kinds of characters. “I would love to play out and out negative character after Jhanak. I want to play an evil guy, a total contrast to what Choton is,” he ends.