Television actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who rose to fame with Saath Nibhaana Saathiya, recently welcomed her first child, a baby boy, with husband Shanawaz Shaikh in December 2024. After one month of the birth, the couple revealed the name of their newborn through their social media. The actress has been embracing motherhood and keeps sharing glimpses of her life as a mother. She dropped heartwarming family photos, showcasing the special moments.
In the heartwarming photos, Devoleena is holding her little son in her arms. Though she didn’t show his face, the little hands build curiosity. Devoleena and Shahnawaz named their little bundle of joy Joy. Yes, the actress has named her son Joy, meaning happiness. Revealing the name, the actress captioned her post, “Our hearts are overflowing as we welcome our newest family member. Meet JOY, our bundle of happiness!”
Devoleena smiled for the photo wearing a maroon floral-printed salwar kameez, which she styled with no makeup and oxidized jhumkas. At the same time, Shahnawaz also smiled for the photo, sitting beside her. With Chandan and Kumkum on Devoleena’s forehead, it seems she performed puja for her son’s Naam Karan ceremony. Their beautiful smiles and adorable moments make a perfect family picture.
Devoleena Bhattacharjee married Shahnawaz Shaikh in December 2022 via court marriage. Almost two years later, the couple welcomed their first child, a baby boy. The couple often make it to the headlines with their chemistry.