Aditi Sharma, the star of the Colors show Apollena Sapno Ki Unchi Udann, recently revealed that Samarthya Gupta is stepping into the spotlight as the lead actor. He will be portraying the character of Shlok Pandey, marking his debut in a lead role. The show is produced by 4 Lions Films and Rajita Sharma’s Katha Kottage.

Sharing her thoughts on working with Samarthya, Aditi said, “He is really sweet and humble. He talks a lot and brings such positive energy to the set. He is very, very positive. We’ve started to bond well and have become great friends. It’s going to be exciting to see how our chemistry resonates with the audience.”

Aditi also expressed her hopes for the show’s success, saying, “We are hoping for the audience’s love, respect, and support for this new chapter.”

Talking about her own journey, Aditi shared her perspective on commitment and dedication to her work. She said, “For me, acting is not just a profession; it’s my passion. I believe in giving my 100% to every role, every scene, and every moment on set. Commitment and hard work are the foundation of success, and I carry that mantra in everything I do.”

She further added, “When you put your heart into your work, the results always reflect. I am truly grateful for the love and support from the audience, which motivates me to keep striving for excellence always.”

Since the premiere of Apollena, Aditi Sharma has been receiving immense love and admiration from fans. Aditi has always been known for her dedication and sincerity, qualities that continue to shine through in her work. She is now living the dream she once envisioned, and her hard work and passion for acting have made her one of the most loved faces on television today.

With Samarthya Gupta stepping into his first lead role, fans are eagerly waiting to see how their dynamic unfolds on-screen. The mix of Aditi’s seasoned performance and Samarthya’s fresh energy promises to bring a unique charm to Apollena. As the story progresses, both Aditi and Samarthya are counting on the audience’s love and support to make their characters truly unforgettable.