The popular tv actors Siddharth Nigam and Anushka Sen are currently giving their fans straight away fitness goals. The actors have earned immense love with their work on the screen, and their current status on Instagram keeps us all entertained and hooked with cues.

They have now shared videos from their gym schedules, and we aren’t stopping getting any goals from their lovely fitness regimes in the same. Siddharth Nigam who now owns a fitness brand shared a video giving a glimpse of his workout schedule. Anushka Sen dropped a similar video, showing off her power.

Siddharth Nigam shared a video as he does his powerful flips in the air, showing off how pro skills he has got when it comes to gymnastics. He looked dapper in his white t-shirt and black jogger pants.

View Instagram Post 1: Fitness Motivation: Siddharth Nigam performs high-octane back flip at gym, Anushka Sen works hard on core muscles

Anushka Sen on the other hand can be seen all warmed up and in fire performing her workout regime with full-fledged energy. The actress wore a tank t-shirt along with shorts. She kept her style up with a sleek ponytail and sneakers.

View Instagram Post 2: Fitness Motivation: Siddharth Nigam performs high-octane back flip at gym, Anushka Sen works hard on core muscles