#FriendshipDay: The definition of ‘best friend’ is different for everyone: Sshubham Dipta

Sshubham Dipta who plays the role of Kartik in Colors' Mangal Lakshmi, talks about what friends mean to him. He talks about the friendships he values, on the occasion of Friendship Day celebrated on 4 August.

#FriendshipDay: My definition of 'best friend' is very practical: Sshubham Dipta 910882

Actor Sshubham Dipta who is presently seen in the role of Kartik in Colors’ Mangal Lakshmi is happy to be in the company of friends always. As we celebrate Friendship Day on 4 August, we have Sshubham Dipta talk exclusively to IWMBuzz.com about his thoughts on the special day and more about his friends.

Friendship to you is….

Every day is Friendship Day for me. I have 2 to 3 best friends and I talk to them on a regular basis. I like being there for them. A few of my friends are in my home town. I keep in touch with them through video calls.

Your best friend for life. Tell us about his / her quality you like?

I have two best friends. We are very different from each other. He is an introvert, and I am an extrovert. But when are together, we both are extroverts. He might not take my call when I call him, but he will try to call me as soon as he gets free. I like that quality in him. When he is there for me, he is there in full support.

Best friend from the industry. His/ her quality you like:

The best friend definition is different for everyone. For me, a best friend is like my brother. My brother is from the industry, I don’t want to take names. He will trust me totally and give me control. I always try to not let him down at any time. This is a quality I like in him.

Your 3 am friend would be:

My friend from Shimla, I can call him at any time.

A memory of your friend that you cherish:

Our college days memory was like a vacation for me. We used to study, but we used to enjoy a lot.

How do you identify the good friends from the not-so-good ones?

My definition of best friend is very practical. There are times when we get busy and we might not be there for a friend when they are in need. But for me, the one who is with me when he can, is my best friend.

Your thoughts on this special day for your friends will be:

As I said, every day is for friends. Usually, I make sure I call my friends regularly. We talk about good memories and relive the best times that we have had. Otherwise, I do nothing on this special day.

About The Author
Srividya Rajesh: Srividya Rajesh, Co Founder & Associate Editor at IWMBuzz, sleeps, eats and drinks news. With cheetah like pace and a Herculean heart, Srividya (called Sri lovingly by friends and fraternity) is undoubedtly the queen of breaking news and latest updates in the Indian television industry. Operating from Chennai, Sri has her eyes and ears on movements in Mumbai. Fearless and fierce, Sri is a revered figure in the industry. Team leader, motivator and a go getter, Sri is the pillar in the editorial foundation at IWMBuzz and is responsible for smooth functioning of the news pipeline.