Actor Tanish Mahendru and his girlfriend Reva Kaurase grandly welcomed Ganpati Bappa. Tanish who shot for Atrangi OTT’s series Julie, and Reva, who is presently seen in Zee TV’s Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti, celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with a splendid three days festive ambience at their Mumbai home. To mark the festivities, they graciously welcomed industry luminaries to their residence, for a collective celebration of the Ganpati festival.
Tanish throughout the celebration looked stylish in simple yet elegant kurta sets and Reva looked stunning in her vibrant and modest Anarkali suits. Both the actors were joined by their other co-actors and friends at their residence.
Tanish and Reva were also seen together participating in the Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at Television actor and host Arjun Bijlani’s Mumbai residence.
When contacted, Tanish told, “We always look forward to welcoming Bappa during Ganesh Utsav. We had a great time having Bappa at our home for three days. The festive ambience has given us positivity and happiness.”
Tanish Mahendru has recently wrapped up his Jio Cinema web series called “Pyar Tune Kya Kia” which is expected to be released before Diwali this year.
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