Actress Garvita Sadhwani has had a challenging journey in the role of Mrunal in Rajan Shahi’s show on Star Plus, Baatein Kuch Ankahee Si. She plays the scheming sister of lead Vandana (Sayli Salunkhe), whose interference has always ruined the life of her sister and her family.
Garvita who is a workaholic, loves her sets so much that she feels bored when at home. She says, “I love being on the set, it’s so positive and full of energy. The whole cast of Baatein Kuch Ankahee Si gets along so well and being at home seems boring! I’m always cracking up some jokes or doing some masti with Abhidnya Tai or Sayli. All of us are basically a crazy bunch of madness on set which makes work super fun!”
Garvita’s character Mrunal betrays her own sister Vandana to marry her boyfriend. Speaking of her character, the actress states, “Mrunal’s graph has been super interesting, from playing a selfish ambitious girl to now a girl who is cornered, betrayed and disowned by her family. It’s been challenging as well as rewarding to work on her emotional side.”
The young actress also shares her favourite scene from the show and avers, “It’s when Mrunal is being thrown out of the house by her father, and she’s desperate for a place to stay and in that moment she realises how poorly she has treated her sister Vandana. I love this scene too where Mrunal apologises to Vandana and sleeps in her lap,” she concludes.