Jennifer Winget is one of the cutest and most admired actresses and performing artistes that we have in the Hindi TV and digital entertainment industry. For the longest time, Jennifer has managed to melt hearts of the TV audience with her good quality work and we are in awe of her. As far as being in awe of her is considered ladies and gentlemen, she definitely managed to make us fall in love with her for real with her stunning work presence alongside Tanuj Virwani in Code M and we love it.

Whenever Jennifer shares fun and engaging photos and videos on social media, netizens love it. Well, can you all guess what’s the latest that’s happening at her end ladies and gentlemen? Well, the diva is seen chilling and partying hard with her girl gang during the weekend and we are absolutely loving it for real. Well, do you want to check it out? Take a look below –

Well, absolutely amazing and super fun, right ladies and gentlemen? Let us know your views in the comments section below and for more updates, stay tuned to