The show follows the story of Guddan, who due to unforeseen circumstances finds herself getting married to a widower, Akshat Jindal and becoming India’s youngest mother-in-law to her three daughters-in-law.
Although the daughters-in-law try to throw Guddan out of the house and Akshat stops them and refuses to make Guddan leave because in-spite of the circumstances of their marriage, the fact was that Guddan was married to him. He then tells the daughters-in-law to accept Guddan as their mother in law from now on. Even then Guddan doesn’t hate her daughter-in-law
Though earlier on in the show the daughters-in-law hate Guddan, she never wishes bad for them. When Buaji arrives at the house, Guddan’s mother-in-law asks her to pretend to be a strict saas in front of her. Guddan tried her best, but, she is unable to behave strictly with her daughter-in-law. She tells buaji “saas and bahu can be friends and me and my bahus are also friends, I can’t misbehave with them”.
Many more such scenes prove that Guddan is the ideal mother-in-law. Her daughter-in-law constantly insults her and hate her to the core of their hearts, but yet Guddan doesn’t wish bad for them, she still respects them and doesn’t want to act badly with them.
The serials nowadays usually only portray a hate relationship between the mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law, where the mothers-in-law usually wish all bad for her daughter-in-law and is always shown conspiring against the daughter-in-law. Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega is very different from the usual Saas-Bahu serials.