Actor Samarth Jurel who was recently seen as the lead in Zee TV’s Maitree is a happy Indian who enjoys the freedom of the right to choose. He believes that one should be able to do what he wants to do. On the occasion of India’s 77th Independence Day, Samarth prays for happiness in the country.
He says, “India is an independent country. But many kids are not allowed to take the path they want to choose. The day every kid walks the path of life as per his/her desire, there will be independence for all.”
Samarth wishes that the kids in our country get a better education. “The education system in our country should get stronger. When a kid passes out of school, he/ she should be a complete package.”
“Bhagat Singh is one freedom fighter who inspires me. And the film related to Deshbhakti, for me will be the Akshay Kumar starrer film Holiday,” he adds.
Samarth feels proud of his National Anthem Jana Gana Mana. “It brings purity and whenever it is sung, the song brings goosebumps in every citizen of the country.”
He wants to do something big for the Nation. “Yes, this is in my mind. I want to do something big for the Nation.”
Wishing our readers at, A Very Happy Independence Day!!