Actress Rinku Ghosh who is a popular Bhojpuri artist, with many successes under her belt, will be seen entering the Nazara show Beti Hamari Anmol, starring Juhi Aslam and Pratham Kunwar. The show also stars the popular Bhojpuri artist Rani Chatterjee in the lead negative role. Now, Rani will be joined by Rinku on the show in a very powerful role.
Writer and Producer Raakesh Paswan has made this possible by bringing together two iconic Bhojpuri artists in this show.
Rinku will play the role of an NGO worker, who holds strong values. She will be the one who will motivate Anmol to fight for her own identity. She will bring Anmol back to her house.
When contacted, Rinku Ghosh confirmed the news stating, “Yes, I am happy to be playing this character. She is a very positive woman, who fights for the rights of women. She will make the desired change in Anmol’s life now.”
Rinku and Rani’s friendship and camaraderie go back a long years. “Rani and I have been working together in the Bhojpuri circuit for so many years now. I have known her for the past 18 years or so. I am excited and look forward to sharing screen space again with her, this time for this show. Rani made me comfortable on this set when I started my shoot. We tend to forget our friendship when the camera is on, and we get into our characters. However, the moment the camera is off, we become the thick of friends.”
Best of luck, Rinku!!