Actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee who was recently seen in Sun Neo’s show Chhati Maiyya Ki Bitiya is celebrating Magh Bihu today. The talented actress is known for her portrayals in shows Saath Nibhana Saathiya, Bigg Boss etc. As we know, Assam celebrates Magh Bihu, also called Bhogali Bihu, as a harvest festival to mark the conclusion of the harvesting season.

Says Devoleena, “This lively celebration of thankfulness brings people together through traditional practices, feasting, and community building.
Magh Bihu centres on the values of sharing and community bonding. While it carries significant agricultural meaning, the festival is equally important socio-culturally, serving as an occasion for communities to come together, strengthen relationships, and relish the simple joys of life.”

Devoleena recollects her childhood memories of celebrating Bihu and says, “I am missing the Bihu vibe, how the local people in Assam used to congregate around the Meiji, engaging in traditional Bihu songs, rhythmically playing the Dhol (a local drum), and enjoying a banquet of freshly harvested delights.”

She continues, “The festivities are enlivened with traditional games such as Tekeli Bonga (pot-breaking), creating an atmosphere of fun and excitement as spectators gather to witness the jovial contests. I remember this used to be a picnic time for us. Our New Year’s celebration used to continue till this time.”

“My mother and aunties prepare yummy Assamese sweets and treats. One of the festival’s highlights is Laru and Pitha, a sweet made from coconut, sesame, and jaggery generously shared among friends, family, and neighbours,” she adds.

On this year’s celebration, she says, “I am not doing anything grand this year. I started my day offering prayers to my God and offering bhog. My mother has sent me some really special festival sweets and snacks. I feel blessed at the moment and I am happy and filled with gratitude. May the festival of Magh Bihu bring good health, prosperity, and success into our lives. Have a joyous Magh Bihu!”

Devoleena and her husband were recently blessed with a baby boy.