Actress Maira Dharti Mehra, who plays the lead role in Dangal’s new show Dalchini produced by Dreamiyata Entertainment is on a learning curve when it comes to bagging more nuances as a performer.
Talking about the experience of being an actor, “The experience was amazing. It’s like a roller coaster for me, sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes smooth, and sometimes rough. It’s a big growth journey, but I am enjoying it.”
Talking about the learnings with Dalchini, she says, “I didn’t know how to ride a cycle, I didn’t know how to handle a trolley, but I have learned that, and that too in a short time. You have to learn this quickly; otherwise, you might fall on your face. With all the production work, there are challenges like knees getting hurt, bruises, and all that stuff. So, all these things happen, but it’s a good thing. There’s a show going on, and everything is happening. All the actors are working, the production team is working hard for you, and you are working hard for yourself.”
She adds, “I don’t know if I’m right or wrong, but when I see certain things, I also connect them with certain characters or incidents that happened in my life. I think about those things more, and I believe people, too, have a broader perspective when watching content. They watch with open eyes, realizing that this is also happening, and there’s a dreamland too. I believe the entertainment industry should be a dreamland, but even with that, some unexpected things happen. I mean, I am in my dreamland. I love being here, and that’s how I live my life. I think people also have this idea that things should have been a certain way, actions should be oriented in a certain way. So, yes, I feel that the difference is that, from what I’ve seen from my beginning to now, there’s more acceptance in everything. In acting, in people respecting each other’s opinions, no matter what.”
Maira who played Prerna in Star Plus’ Pandya Store is happy to be working with Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta for Dalchini.
“It’s my first project with Dreamiyata. They have met me on set and asked me about how it’s going for me. They are very careful in watching the shoot, and providing feedback. Other than that, the production team is also very supportive in terms of taking care and understanding certain things. This is happening, or this is how it is. I was also a bit scared coming from Mumbai to Chandigarh. It’s a different place altogether, and when you come from a distance, your mind needs peace while working, or else you can’t concentrate. I think the production team is taking good care, and I am quite happy,” she says.
There is a method to acting, and we learn a lot every day. So, I am a learner. I enjoy learning new things, observing others, listening to others, or using my own mind to figure out how I can do it, how I can take it, how I can deliver it. I am very inquisitive about what I do. I am a lot of things when it comes to my work because I love it.”