Bengali TV serial actor Jyotirmoy Sinha, who was last seen in the TV show ‘Horogouri Pice Hotel’ has now entered Zee Bangla show ‘Mala Bodol’ featuring Biswajit Ghosh and Ritu Pyne. He talks about his role here.

He said, “I am playing the role of Raj, who happens to be the brother-in-law of the male protagonist Kavya Mullick. I am playing a positive role and am flamboyant. I am delighted to play such a strong and challenging role. I believe the audience will appreciate my presence in the show.”

‘Mala Bodol’ premiered on July 8, and revolves around the journey of the lead pair, one of them is a matchmaker, and the other person is a divorce lawyer. The show narrates the story of Ditipriya Ghatak, affectionately known as Diti, played by Ritu Pyne. Diti is a lively, passionate matchmaker for whom matchmaking is a deeply personal passion, a legacy inherited from her renowned matchmaker father. Embracing her role as the beloved ‘Ghatok Didi,’ Diti’s life takes a dramatic turn when she is compelled to marry divorce lawyer Kavya Mullick, portrayed by Biswajit Ghosh. Kavya’s scepticism towards relationships starkly contrasts with Diti’s unwavering belief in love, leading to an unexpected and loveless marriage that complicates her journey.

Jyotirmoy is happy to start 2025 in a positive way. “I’m happy to start my 2025 positively. As an actor, I always want to play strong roles and with this, I’m living one of my dreams. I am enjoying the time cheering for new beginnings, and fresh opportunities, and hope for a year filled with growth, success, and laughter. I hope to earn love and appreciation from my viewers.”

He concluded adding, “I’m looking forward to staying fit, exercising and practising more healthy eating. I’m also looking forward to learning new skills and languages.”

Jyotirmoy, is known for Phulki, Sahityer Sera Somoy, Gaatchora, Meyeder Bratakatha, Jai Jagannath, Shri Shri Ram Thakur among others.