Actress Riya Deepsi who was last seen in the Zee TV show Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na, is a hardcore positive person and she is quite honest about what she wants in life.

In a candid chat with, Riya takes our Rapid Fire questions.

Check them here.

The superpower you want to have:

To be invisible, so that I can go anywhere, do anything and nobody will ever know.

Film character you are similar to in real life:

Geet. I have a lot of Geet in me. I am very talkative like her.

The kind of inspiration you crave for:

I like to get inspired by places, people and by anything I am surrounded with. Mostly, I enjoy and cherish hearing people’s stories and journeys.

Tell us a joke:

I don’t think I have told any joke in a long time now.

If you are looking for a quote that will inspire you for a new day, what will it be:

I have this quote on my home screen – I am about to walk into the most successful and soul-nourishing year of my life.

Your favorite sanitizer brand:

Do we need to have our favourite for sanitizer? Interesting!! I have Lifebuoy right now.

Something you are really attracted to during lockdown:

I made a lot of Pizza and Pasta. I used to experiment with doughs actually.

What kind of books you like to read:

Fictional, Spiritual and books for Self-improvement.

If you turn a painter for a day what will you draw that signifies your life:

I love looking at paintings of flowers, sunsets, the night sky with stars etc. So I will draw Nature.

The kind of hairdo you love the most:

I like to experiment with that. I usually keep open hair or braid it up.