Actress Sheersha Tiwari, who plays the role of Prarthna in Rajan Shahi’s Star Plus show Anupamaa, says that she loves how the show is relevant to today’s times. She adds that every small detail, including dialogues, are so relatable.

Says Sheersha, “I am playing Prarthna Kothari, Prem’s sister and daughter of Parag Kothari. She is sweet, subtle, caring and a soft-spoken girl; values family and is loved by everyone. I think the show is very relevant to today’s world. The characters, their personal stories and the bits of learnings that we get in dialogues and monologues are what makes this show unique and loved by the audience.”

Ask her how the popularity of the show impacted her life, both personally and professionally, and she says, “I feel welcomed by the fans of Anupamaa. Everyone was putting snapshots from episodes and mentioning “Welcome to Anupamaa”. Also, there’s an existing fanbase of Anupamaa among youngsters and households. My friends and family who have been watching the show were excited that they will now watch me in their favourite show. Professionally as well, I feel grateful that I get to work with the existing talented cast of Anupamaa.”

As for pressure while performing, she says, “I won’t say that there’s any kind of pressure. Although, as an actor, it’s just my responsibility to convey my character’s feelings in such a way that the audience feels connected. I just try to give my 100% every day.”

She adds, “Reading and listening helps me a lot. I go through the scripts thoroughly and try to understand what the writer wants me to convey through this character and I always ask the director about how they envision the character’s graph. Plus, definitely Rajan Sir understands the pulse of the audience. How Anupamaa connects with every woman, stands for herself and tries her best to keep the family together is the reason why the show is topping the charts every week.”

As for future twists, she says, “Prem has stayed away from the Kothari’s for so long and everyone in the Kothari house wants him to come back. We are trying our best to make this happen but let’s see how the story unfolds.”