Aviee Sharma is enjoying his track in Zee TV’s show Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan, produced by Prateek Sharma’s LSD Films. His character, that of Mohit Banerji, who happens to be the brother of Mohan’s first wife Tulsi, created a turnaround when he joined hands with Damini in his battle against Radha.
Says Aviee, “When I heard about getting the opportunity to work on this show, I got very excited. My family used to watch it. I play a negative character who is against his sister, but in real life, I care deeply for my sister. There are many ups and downs, and I try to manipulate and bother Mohan (Shabir Ahluwalia). I can’t give away too much about my role, but there are many new things happening. It’s a very different experience with lots of interesting twists.”
Talking about the producer Prateek Sharma, the actor adds, “I haven’t interacted with him much, but he’s like an invisible man always around on set because he is involved in everything. We have a great atmosphere on set, like a family, and the whole team makes you feel comfortable.”
Sharing more about his happiness to be a part of this project, he says, “When I heard the story, I was very excited, especially when I found out about my role. I really wanted to play a negative character because it allows for exploration. It’s not a hardcore villain character that I am playing; it has some comedy punches too.”
So who is the co-star you bond the most with? “I get along well with everyone on set, but I have a good bond with Shabir sir. He is an amazing person. When I was new to the show, I was nervous about working with such a renowned actor, but he made me feel comfortable. We had fun conversations, and I felt at ease while doing scenes with him. I hope to do more scenes with him,” he is quick to add.
Best of luck, Aviee Sharma!!