Actress Madirakshi Mundle who is known for projects like Jag Janani Maa Vaishno Devi – Kahani Mata Rani Ki, Siya Ke Ram and Karn Sangini, is happy to be celebrating Father’s Day on 18 June. She talks about the strong facial resemblance that she has been gifted by her father.

Says Madirakshi, “First of all I have a strong facial resemblance with my father, Dinesh Chandra Joshi. I have been told this multiple times by everyone who sees us together. I love my father and worry about him. We also have shared interests like trading. I share trade tips with him on stocks literally every day. I’ve also inherited a lot of my artistic genes from him and of course his love for ghee.”

“He wanted me to become a Doctor. But, of course, I had other life plans. I really didn’t like studying so much. So studying medicine was quite out of the question. I mean have you seen how thick and heavy those textbooks are? I did professional interior designing and am now a professional actor and restaurateur. However, all my life his advice to me has been to focus and stick to my own business in life and keep out of stuff that does not concern me.”

Madirakshi and her father love the film Piku starring Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone. “Piku is our favourite movie. The bond between daughter and father is very lovingly and beautifully depicted. The ending is heartbreaking. But I really loved the way it was put together,” she ends.

Happy Father’s Day to all our readers!!