Sahill Uppal, the talented actor has showcased his versatility whenever he has bagged a chance. Now, Sahill is playing the role of Chiku Pandya in the well-established Star Plus show Pandya Store, produced by Sphere Origin. Sahill feels that he has got ample scope as a performer in this role of Chiku.
Says Sahill, “The character Chiku is very interesting. Pandya Store is an established successful show. And to be part of it is a blessing. Another reason for me to accept this role is that I am part of the big Star Plus family. I wanted to work with them. The channel plays more on emotions and less on gimmicks.”
Talking about the difference he sees in the role of Chiku, Sahill explains, “I have done a lot of characters where I have played positive, negative and grey-shaded roles. Chiku has all the elements in him. He has a lot of layering. As you know, he has entered as a negative guy. I have a lot of scope to play with in one character. So it is quite different. I will get to explore a lot within one character.”
“Pandya Store is a cult hit show. It feels great to have joined the team. I feel blessed. When the new cast comes into a show which has undergone a leap, it is a challenge in itself for the actors coming in. I do not think much about all of this. The common aim is that we should perform well. TRPs are good. I hope the audience likes Chiku,” he states on being part of his hit show.
Ask him whether he is a guiding force on sets for the leads who are relatively new when compared to his experience, Sahill laughs it off saying, “Yes, I am experienced. But honestly these days, everyone is well-prepared. The leads of the show, Natasha and Dhawal, played by Priyanshi Yadav and Rohit Chandel are doing a great job. Above all, we are all guided well by our Director Arshad Khan. He looks very closely at everyone’s performances. As for me, I am a Director’s actor. If needed, I give my inputs to scenes.”
Talking about his character, the actor quips, “Chiku is strong-headed and emotional. He is a good soul. The layerings of Chiku will open up slowly, and with time I will also get to know him more. As of now, I know him to be a rugged guy. He is a fun character to play.”
As for his expectations with the show and role, Sahill states, “I don’t have any expectations. My only aim is for the audience to love my work and accept me as Chiku. My earlier characters have bagged all the love. I wish for more love here. I am happy to be working for a good production house and channel.”
Best of luck, Sahill!!