Actor Pradeep Nigam, who is part of May I Come In Madam season 2, the Star Bharat show, produced by Sanjay and Binaffer Kohli’s Edit II production, says that he loves being part of the show. The actor adds that people are also loving his character.
“The response is coming along well, like an inspector in Bollywood films, but this is not like that; it’s very real because its personality is very normal. People want to see what this character will do in future stories. I find this role very relatable. However, this character doesn’t come home with me because this character is in his 40s, and I am 29. I have to shave my head daily for this character. As soon as the pack-up happens, I become Pradeep Nigam from Babloo Batoota,” he says.
Talking about the environment on the sets of the show, he says, “I share my makeup room with Khiloni Ji. Sometimes we make reels, talk about life. It feels good to share a room with Manikpuri Ji. I share a stronger bond with Khiloni because sometimes we go for shoots together, pack up together, and also share a room together,” he says.
Meanwhile, ask him why he loves being on TV, and he says, “Due to the TV industry, you become popular in every household, that’s an advantage. But our film industry doesn’t look at TV actors from that perspective. However, times are changing; many TV actors are now doing films. Also, people are tired of the saas-bahu dramas. Now, everyone wants unique and relatable content, like our show ‘May I Come In, Madam?”
Best of luck!!