Actor Mehul Vyas who has featured in films Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior, The Big Bull etc has recently joined the cast of the Zee TV show, Kyunki Saas Maa Bahu Beti Hoti Hai. He returns to TV after Kavach, that is after six years. Mehul who plays the role of Moksh in the Zee TV show, brought in an interesting twist with his entry in the show. Today, on the occasion of Halloween Day, we at took the opportunity to talk to Mehul about his thoughts about celebrating this day and more about this Western culture.
Says Mehul, “I like dressing up as the Joker from the Batman movie. He’s my favourite character. If given an opportunity, I would dress up as the Joker and go to the Halloween party.”
Halloween Day is celebrated, on the evening before All Saints’ Day (All Hallows’). The celebration marks the day before the Western Christian feast of All Saints and initiates the season of All Hallow Tide, which lasts for three days and concludes with All Souls’ Day. In today’s time, this Western special Day is celebrated in India as a time and moment when people dress up and visit other homes for a treat, with parties thrown with an eerie and spooky ambience too.
Mehul would plan a few pranks and would give the Halloween party a funny twist altogether. “I would carefully plan a prank. The prank would involve taking over the party, just like in the movie. I would get a few friends to pretend to “die” when I “shoot” them with my fake gun. Ideally, I’d love to recreate the scene and give people a good scare.”
“Honestly, I view Halloween as a cultural affair of the West, and I have respect for that. Festivals provide us with a chance to celebrate. We all need reasons to celebrate together and enjoy.”
Happy Halloween’s Day, folks!! Enjoy the spookiness that comes along with the moment!!