Actress Megha Gupta who has played challenging roles in TV shows Kkavyanjali, Kumkum Ek Pyaara Sa Bandhan, Mamta, Main Teri Parchhain Hoon, Maat Pitah Ke Charnon Mein Swarg, Yahaan Mein Ghar Ghar Kheli, Ayushmaan Bhava etc, has dived deep into holistic wellness for the past many years. Even while she keeps busy with her ventures, she will not mind getting back to acting, if she gets a challenging role.

Megha in an exclusive conversation with, talks to us about life and her ventures that keep her busy. “Yes, I am working on health and wellness. I have made my own brand of face oils. I was using this for a long time, and people used to ask me the secret of my good skin. I finally created my brand, and I am happy that they are doing well.”

“I go for speaker engagements, I give talks at corporate setups on health and wellness. I am a motivational speaker as well,” she continues to say.

Ask her whether she is keen to get back as an actor, and Megha states, “If there is something nice and interesting, that calls me out, I will not mind getting back. A nice daily soap which will give me a hatke role, a role that is of a woman of substance, which is what I think I am and have stood for, for the last many years on the planet, I would love to take it up. I love acting, and it is the reason why I can do what I can do today. So yes, I would love to do something which calls out to me.”