Renee Dhyani the talented actress who excels in power-packed roles gets to be placed on the hot seat of our Rapid Fire questions this week.

Check here to see the inspiring answers that Renee gave!!

If not a celebrity, you would have been a:

A businesswoman or a PR

The song that makes you happy always:

 You’re Beautiful of James Blunt. In Hindi, Aane Wala Kal Jaane Waala Hai

The superpower you will want to have:

I want to reach any destination I want in 1 second. I hate traveling. So by the snap of my finger, if I can reach a destination like London, USA, it will be very good

Your go-to person when in need is:

My father, my family, my brother, sister. Also my home

Your acting inspiration:

I love theatre artists like Shabana Azmiji, Divya Dutta and many actors from ’80s and 90’s

Your 4 am friend will be:

I am blessed with beautiful sisters. They are my besties

Your worst fear:

I have come face to face with all my worst fears. So I don’t think there is any fear. But yes, I always fear losing my people

Are you a tattoo person, where do you have:

Yes, I have a tattoo on my right shoulder, that of a tigress. I have one on my right hand, which reads ‘Pa’ my father. I have another on my neck, which means Renee which in Chinese means to be reborn

The quality you look for in your Mr Perfect:

I am not looking for my Mr Perfect right now. I will tell you when the right time comes. I will want a person who is opposite to me