Actor Vijayendra Kumeria has earned a reputation for his ability to embrace diverse and challenging roles, showcasing his remarkable talent and versatility. His recent performances as Angad Singh Brar in the shows Teri Meri Doriyaann and as Dev Chaudhary in Deewaniyat have highlighted his skill in bringing complex characters to life with remarkable ease. Now, he is poised to take on an exciting new challenge as he steps into the lead role of Suraj in Zee TV’s upcoming show Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah, which is set to feature a significant generation leap. This fresh chapter promises to further demonstrate his artistic range and commitment to his craft.

Produced by Guruodev Bhalla Productions for Zee TV, Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah, will see the entries of Viayendra Kumeria, Sagar Parekh and Rachana Mistry in the lead roles.

We at get into an exclusive conversation with Vijayendra on his new role, and its uniqueness and on working yet again with Producer Guruodev Bhalla after their successful association with Udaan.

Read on.

Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah – What prompted you to pick this role?

I always love doing something different from my last show. There is a spark, a spunk and a graph in the characterisation of Suraj as the story moves ahead, and that’s what attracted me towards the role.

Is this an anti-hero role that we are looking at when it comes to your presence in Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah? Explain.

Any character I do is a hero for me. That is my approach, first of all. I believe in truthfulness and conviction in the character and leave it to the audience to decide if they want to treat it as a hero or anti-hero.

You pick up roles that are different in traits, and the ones that challenge you as a performer. Take us through this new character of yours.

Yes, this doesn’t let my work become monotonous. Suraj is not a plain character, he has shades, he is a complete package for me as I have an opportunity to show different emotions with every layer that is given to him. With time, people will see what the real Suraj is all about. It is too early to give away all the traits.

You are associating yet again with Mr Guruodev Bhalla who gave you one of your biggest hits to date, that is Udaan. Talk through this association.

Yes, it’s a pleasure to work with him again. We have done a hit show together in the past. When he called me for this one, there was no doubt in my head. I was all in to do this role. He is a passionate producer and I am a passionate actor. This combination worked for us and I am sure it will work again.

First collaboration with Zee TV. How excited are you?

This is the only network on which I haven’t done a lead role. At the beginning of my career, I started with a character role on Zee TV. I am glad I got this opportunity and there is one more tick on my bucket list.

I will leave it to the audience to decide if my role in Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah is of a hero or anti-hero: Vijayendra Kumeria 934740

Deewaniyat was a good concept, probably did not work as expected. How much do such failures affect you when it comes to taking the next move?

Deewaniyat was a very good show and was made well. But it was an early slot, so the fate was decided even before it got on air. I got to do a lovely character and worked with one of my favourite production houses. As an actor, I give my best and don’t worry about success and failure.

How is it working with Rachana Mistry and Sagar Parekh?

It’s great working with Rachana. She is a good actor and is always prepared with her scenes. In fact, we all are putting in our best for our show. With Sagar also it’s very easy to work. We have good give and take in our scenes. The best thing is that we work towards giving a good scene as a team and not individually.

How has the fans’ reaction been to this choice of yours?

Fans are very happy and excited that they don’t have to wait for me to come back on screen. I am blessed that I started a new show even before my last show’s telecast stopped. Fans are very happy about this.

What do you expect from this new role?

I expect this show to break records and go high on the charts. My fingers are crossed!!

Best of luck!!