Neha Harsora is having a whale of a time, with her show on Star Plus, produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production, Udne Ki Aasha, doing extremely well. The show has held the top position on the ratings chart for the past many weeks. Makar Sankranti has always been special for Neha. She also gives us a hint on what viewers can expect in the show during this festive time. The onscreen chemistry of Neha with her co-star Kanwar Dhillon is raking praise. Sachin and Sailee have won the love of audiences.

On the occasion of Makar Sankranti, here is Neha talking about the sweet childhood memories she has of the festival. “I have many memories of Makar Sankranti. My mom used to make chikki, murmura ladoo, and til ladoo, and we kids eagerly waited for them. I also loved dyeing balloons and lighting lanterns at night. I didn’t know how to fly kites, but I loved watching others do it. I also used to collect the fallen kites.”

On plans for this year, Neha states, “This year, I will be on set, and I plan to take til ladoo and chikki for everyone, made by my mom. My favorite is murmura ladoo.”

Neha gives an insight into the Makar Sankranti high point in the show Udne Ki Aasha stating, “In Udne Ki Aasha, you will see that Sachin and Sailee get married again. As promised to Sailee, Sachin brings her a gold mangalsutra two days before Sankranti. However, Sailee insists that on the day of Sankranti, he should put it on her in front of everyone and perform the marriage ceremony again. Sailee wants it to be a marriage filled with love, and she wants everyone to see and appreciate the efforts Sachin has made for her.”

Happy Makar Sankranti to all our readers!!