Popular actress Surbhi Chandna who was recently seen in a special cameo role in Colors’ Apollena Sapno Ki Unchi Udann celebrated Lohri being away from her family this year. Surbhi who got married to Karan Sharma in March 2024, is at work with Karan, shooting their new song. However, she missed being with her family on Lohri.

Surbhi shares her thoughts, “Lohri holds a very special place in my heart as it symbolizes new beginnings, joy, and gratitude. It’s a time to come together with loved ones, share warmth, and celebrate life’s blessings.”

Talking about the celebration of Lohri over the years, Surbhi states, “Over the years, Lohri has always been about gathering around the bonfire with family and friends, singing traditional songs, and dancing to the beats of the dhol. It’s a time to reflect on the past year and welcome positivity into our lives.”

“This year is very special because we are out for shooting our new song. Unfortunately, we are not around our family, but the traditions and rituals are always on our minds, and we plan to celebrate in spirit even from afar,” she says.

Talking about the food treats she likes, Surbhi quips, “I absolutely love indulging in traditional Lohri delicacies like Sarson da saag and Makki di roti, Gajak, Rewari, and Til ke laddoo. These treats bring out the true essence of the festival.”

Being her first Lohri after marriage, Surbhi avers, “As this is my first Lohri after marriage, my wish is to keep the love and bond with my partner strong while welcoming prosperity and happiness into our lives. I also wish for health, success, and harmony for everyone celebrating this joyous festival.”