Actress Khushi Dubey who enthralled one and all with her portrayal in the Disney+ Hotstar series Aashiqana, has donned a new avatar for Star Plus’ Aankh Micholi, the new Shashi Sumeet Productions show. The show which revolves around undercover cops and family drama, has Khushi playing the lead role of Rukmini.
In a candid and exclusive conversation with, Khushi talks about her role and the heavy-duty preparation she needed for it.
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Tell us about the rigorous preparation needed for this role of Rukmini in Aankh Micholi?
I play the role of Rukmini, who is an aspiring IPS officer. When I got the role, I had to work a lot on my stamina, and involve myself in regular exercises. During the training too, we were put to some tough training. I love playing such a rough and tough role, as it gives an extra edge to the character and persona that Rukmini is. We had a long-drawn training with guns which went very smoothly.
How do you feel playing this awe-inspiring character of a cop?
Well, to be frank, 90 per cent of the girls are on the delicate side. It gives me immense pride to have trained myself to play this character. There are very few actresses who have bagged such powerful roles. I am now inspired to see Deepika Padukone in the action film, Fighter. It feels great to be playing a character who is shown to be running behind her dreams.
Tell us about the story plot and the uniqueness it will have?
The story plot of Aankh Micholi is different. There is this journey of Rukmini in becoming an IPS officer. Also, there is a layer of suspense and thriller drama in the concept. I cannot reveal much, but what viewers will see with respect to the mystery angle will be fresh.
Media has been reporting about Aankh Micholi’s concept being similar to Diya aur Baati Hum. What have you to say about it?
I have seen Diya aur Baati Hum. It is a very much heralded show on Indian TV. I look up to that show as an inspiration to play this character. However, all I can say is that our show Aankh Micholi will have its own flavours.
What do you expect from this role?
I am putting a lot of hard work into my role. I want the hard work to be translated on screen, and acceptance from viewers. I believe females of all ages will love this show. Rukmini is a blend of everything and has her own emotional graph. So acceptance will be the biggest reward I can get.
Tell us about the love story plot in the show?
I do not want to spill the beans on how it will evolve. All I can say is that this is an intense love story. Sumedh and Rukmini are poles apart. While Sumedh is the boy with the golden heart, Rukmini follows her dreams. It will be interesting to see how these characters keep their calm in the storm of the drama that will come.