Young actor Tanish Mahendru has recently joined the cast of Zee TV’s Rabb Se Hai Dua after the generation leap. He plays the role of Sufi, who is the younger brother of Subhaan, played by Dheeraj Dhoopar.
Tanish is excited as he bags the big opportunity of playing the parallel lead. He is all the more excited as his character holds a lot of scope and variations.
Says Tanish, “It has been an exciting start to Rabb Se Hai Dua for me. Sufi is a London-return guy who is smart, handsome and sophisticated in his lifestyle. He has a lot of fanbase and is very influential.”
This character that Tanish plays will be very important in the storyline as he will play a Love guru. As per the story plot, it is shown that Sufi knows that his elder brother Subhaan is in love. He is shown motivating his brother to tell his heart’s feelings to his girl.
“Sufi will play a crucial part in the love story that the show will see with time. Also, viewers are enjoying the bromance shown between my character and my brother’s character. It is amazing to shoot with Dheeraj Dhoopar. Our scenes and camaraderie are coming good,” adds Tanish.
Tanish is happy to be joining the long-running show Rabb Se Hai Dua. “I am happy to be working with LSD Films. I pray that viewers get hooked on to the drama in our show,” he says.
Best of luck, Tanish!!